Has your loved one been recently discharged from the hospital after a life-saving surgery? If so, then it is now time for them to receive comprehensive and specialized post-hospitalization care in order to improve their rehabilitation.
Lake Forest Services & Lake Forest Hospice, your trusted source of home care services, understands what it takes to keep our patients comfortable and healthy after their stay at the hospital. We make certain that decreased mobility due to an injury or surgery does not prevent them from gaining improved health after receiving medical care. As a result, we may provide your loved ones with ambulation assistance to help them heal faster.
So, why is ambulation or mobility vital, especially after a hospital stay and while receiving hospice care in California?
Ambulation is the ability to walk from one location to another independently, with or without the use of assistive equipment. Walking is one of the most important things patients should do after surgery to avoid postoperative problems.
Walking is a low-intensity activity that is suitable for folks recovering after a hospital stay. It requires no additional equipment and is the least damaging to the joints and back. Post-surgical ambulation has numerous advantages for all patients, especially for the elderly.
Here are some advantages of walking:
- Maintains proper respiratory functions while promoting oxygen blood flow throughout the body.
- Stimulates circulation, which may aid in the prevention of stroke-causing blood clots.
- Aids in wound healing.
- Improves appetite after surgery.
We can help your loved one walk with the help of our home health aide in Lake Forest, California. Safety and supervision are provided to ensure that your loved one recovers completely.
Please contact our in-home care in Orange County to learn more about our home care and hospice services!